Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jamison and Facebook--a Year's Worth of Status Updates: December/January

One of the two joys of parenthood lie both in enjoying the present and remembering the past. Jamison had a great first birthday, complete with lunch at Chipotle, his first hair cut, sitting on the lap of Santa (who he looked at like I look at PG County Police...with a certain degree of mistrust), a cupcake AND ice cream cake. Enjoying his special day with him made me think about his young life...much of which I commented about on Facebook. So, today, I shall share random post from the last 12 months of his life, starting with his 1st.
Note: I'll do two months at a time but I'm also about to get this party started: look for blogs this week about Cam Newton and the NCAA; Sarah Palin and African-Americans and the Recession. Thanks for Reading!

December, 2009:

  • Breaking News: For unto us a child is born, for unto us a son is given, and his name shall be called Jamison Maxwell England. Adrienne and I were blessed with his presence beginning at 12:33 pm on December 1, 2009. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and to my beautiful wife for being the perfect vessel to carry and deliver an angel :)
  • Baby thought of the day--what is on your mind when you are 1 day old??? "Please pray for me" thought of the day--Jmax (who was almost named JonQwan), is to be circumsized today....we (him and I) ask for a moment of silence and two cups of ice. Group Hug
  • Last night was Jamison's first at home.. Jamison 1 Parents 0 Nobody warned me that babies have IHOP hours...he whipped our butt! I knew I have should have been hanging late night at the club in preparation for this.
  • Changed my first poopy myself! Baby 2, Parents 0
  • Check this out. Wife went shopping. Jamison and me chillin. He poops. It was the biggest disaster since the 2000 Presidential Election. And getting him out of his onesie to clean him up was the diaper changing equivalent of Mission Impossible. He cried. I cried. We cried. Together.
  • Spent some alone time with my little guy today...he ate, he pooped, I threw up, I cleaned. Then he fell asleep on my chest...if that wasn't was of my life's most beautiful moments, then surely I don't know what beauty is.
  • So tired. Dog tired. And believe it or not, its not the little guy..its work (grading, writing, eating). Speaking of the little guy...he has the strength of an elephant, the dexterity of a spider monkey and the quickness of a baby gnat. Together, it is quite difficult to change his diaper
  • More daddy son time today..and here's what I learned--he has a water cannon in his pocket! Yes, in changing his diaper, I got sprayed, he got sprayed, we got sprayed--together. We both cried, cleaned ourselves up and waited for mommy to help us. Trust me, its better to be p'D off (and I don't like to live angry!) than p'd on!
  • A True Christmas Miracle: So on my Jamison duty (which usually runs from 2AM-10AM) we watched (ok he was sleeping, like most folk who ever watched this show) 3 Christmas episodes of WALKER TEXAS RANGER (a cool show!) and on the last episode, this pregnant lady got in a car accident and went into labor. Of course, Walker delivered the baby, but it wasn't breathing. As soon as Walker said that, Jamison let out a 3 second cry, then Walker healed the baby and said "he's breathing"..and Jamison went back to sleep! I can only hope that Jamison continues to display Walker like powers throughout his life :). This is a true story!

  • After my latest diaper changing experience, complete with a changing of not only the much hated onsie but also the ....I don't know what to call it, its like a pajama thingie with feet in them (God I miss those!) I had the following thought: as a boy, I wish i played with dolls so that I could not have such a difficult time changing my little guy. More affirmation that yes, I was a disadvantaged child. Thanks mom!

  • Baby updates: 1) he finally peed on mommy! Somehow I feel vindicated. 2) today he took his first sh$T....everything before today was a gentle poop, a bowel movement, intestinal cleansing,,,,but today at 3:32, he entered the world of adulthood. My birthday is coming up, someone please give me a Hazmat Suit.
  • Jamison received his first exposure to James Bond this morning (recommended in the "Daddy Manual" pg. 72). He actually looked at the screen for a few minutes. Then turned to me and said "England, Jamison England."
  • Jamison had his 1st trip to the library for story time. Some observations: little kids are cool but its amazing that one day, they grow up to have problems, make stupid statements, treat each other poorly, etc. What happens to us? Secondly, story time is not parent friendly--I had to sit on the floor and pulled three muscles (ok, not muscles cuz I don't have them, but some part of my body) getting up.
  • My battle with onesies and poop continues. Today the little guy whipped out the special artillery. It was ugly. Evidently I didn't properly secure his diaper, so needless to say he has to change his entire outfit. In my battle with poop, I feel like the Redskins--I lose all the time. Damnit!
  • Took the little guy to church for the first time yesterday. He slept through the loud, loud music, every so often bobbing his head to the beat. Then when it got quiet for offering he woke up (but didn't have no money!) Once the preaching started, he, like many in the crowd, went quickly to sleep. On a side note, he scoped out a few cute baby girls in the crowd, so he looks forward to going back. He now knows what I always knew--who needs to go to the club when there are high quality ladies at church (not that I'm looking any more!).
  •  Baby Formula is Nasty! I feel so bad for feeding my son this stuff. On a whim and a "triple dog dare" (movie trivia--which film does it come from?), the wife and I took a sip of formula yesterday. Nasty is an understatement. Now I understand why he cries. Can't wait to take him to his first buffet!
  • A day in the life of a daddy....woke up this morning, got daughter off to school, fed Jamison, sang with Jamison. We giggled and napped. Then we went to "Play Partners" at the library with Mommy. I wasn't the only man there this time! Watched an old lady dance rather seductively. Looked at all the little kids jumping around.

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